Friday, March 6, 2009

Advantages & Disadvantages of Getting Ex Back

Getting back your ex is a good thing. Everyone will appreciate it. Are there some disadvantages to it? Let us look at both sides.


- Advantages are obvious. You are back with your ex. A time for rejoicing
- Back to normal life, companionship and romance
- Emotional security
- Peaceful life.


- There was one or more reasons for break up. Were the reasons discussed and causes for the conflict resolved? Do you think the same mind which created the break up will not create the break up for the same reasons?

- Perhaps there were some incompatibility issues. It could be temperomental, emotional, financial or anything else. Don't you think these issues will return to haunt again?

- Okay, you got your ex back by some means. Since you have not changed your behavior there is every chance you will react in the same way as before. Do you think there is scope for happiness in the long term?

- What if your ex agreed to change but he refuses to change after the reunion? Will you put up with him?

My intention is not to discourage you. I want to point out unless the causes leading to the break up were resolved mutually and firmly there is going to be repeat of the whole thing again? Would you like to play the drama again or go for a permanent healing of weaknesses on both sides?

Think about it.

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